I was working with a seven year old boy today who is struggling to spell well. During our half hour together it became clear that he talked to himself in patterns of ‘I can’t’, ‘It’s hard’ and ‘it’s a problem’.
I could have responded with words such as ‘yes you can’ or ‘it’s really easy if you try harder’ or ‘don’t think like that.’ We say these phrases with good intentions. Yet the words do not always shift the learner into a more positive place or affect their learning or behaviour...
Have you ever noticed the behaviours of children in a playground or at the beach? When we are on the beach I love watching people, particularly children. From a distance I play little guessing games – are these friends or siblings and how do they all get on together in this setting of sea, sand and open space.
Have you ever been addressed by a name that wasn’t yours? Ever had someone call you a name that was close to your name and wondered whether to correct the person or not?
I was in a stationery store yesterday and couldn’t help noticing how many parents with children were there. Each parent was reading a stationery list and the children were treating it like a treasure hunt...